regions of the rocky crevices. The trails range from 0.5 km to over 17 km and over.
So, it would be advisable to chose trails carefully. From the height you
overlook the camping grounds and also can see adventurous mountaineers climbing the rocky formations.
An advise to be given , is: do NOT rely on the local buses (especially on weekends and on your return journy to Jicin). Ours practically didnt even turn up. Our only solution was to hike back to Jicin, via the yellow trail through farms, valleys, fields and forests and then switch over to the red trail. Sore feet was expected when we reached home!!! So, arrange the transportation carefully, in order to avoid backfiring of your plans and sore feet.
For transportations details and arrangements, visit : , it' s in english as well. Just type in your destination, and departure and it will suggest all suitable trains/ buses whichever you choose.
Click on the post's title, which will lead you to the official cesky raj website. It is pretty useful as it gives info on trails, tours, places to see etc.
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